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Caregiver Confessions Guidelines

submit your caregiver confessions

Welcome to the HappyDowns family! We’re so happy that you’re interested in being a part of our caregiver community by sharing your story with us.


“Caregiver Confessions” are the tough times we face as caregivers…the struggles, the hard decisions we have to make, our lowest points and the difficult times we endure.

We at HappyDowns believe that it is very important to have a space where caregivers can freely share these moments and thoughts without fear of any type of backlash, and to show other caregivers that they are not alone in the difficulties that they face. You will be surprised how many caregivers feel the way you do or have experienced similar situations to yours.

“Caregiver Confessions” was created to build a supportive community for caregivers, where we can be honest with each other, and the world, about what life is really like being a caregiver, and where we can spark conversation with other caregivers about the struggles we face.

Remember, you are not alone.

How This Works:

1. Submit your Caregiver Confession

Please fill out the form below:

    Submit Your Own Experience as a Caregiver NOW!

    Thank you for helping us to build a strong caregiver community!


    Please include your first name, your email and the country you reside in (we want caregivers to see that they can have similar experiences no matter where they live). Tip: We suggest that you first type your confession in Microsoft Word or a note-taking App and then you copy it and paste it in the aforementioned form.

    Please note that we will not publish your email. See our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

    Take a minute and check out some of the Caregiver Confessions that have already been published.

    If your submission meets our standards and aligns with our content strategy, we will respond to let you know your submission will be published as a blog post. This process may take up to two weeks.

    Please note that we currently do not offer compensation for “Caregiver Confessions” submissions.

    2. Guidelines for Submission (Caregiver Confessions):
    • Must be relevant to the site’s intended audience. HappyDowns is aimed towards caregivers of teenagers and adults who have Down Syndrome. Therefore, all confessions must reflect experiences of such caregivers.
    • We find that 300 words are usually enough to make your confession. Be as descriptive as possible of your feelings and your experience.
    • Must be 100% original – never published and will never be published elsewhere.
    • Must be in English.
    • Must be free from any spelling and grammatical errors.
    • Must follow the tone of this site: be casual and honest.
    • Must NOT contain any stock photos/images.
    • Must NOT include profanity or offensive/derogatory terms.
    • Must NOT be overly critical of individuals or companies.
    • Must NOT be overly self-promotional.
    3. As A Content Contributor, You Agree:
    • that the rights to your submission (Caregiver Confessions) belongs to HappyDowns. So we have the right to do whatever we want with it. N.B. We will give you credit for writing the post.
    • to reply to each comment on your “Caregiver Confessions” post. This will help build community with & provide support to other caregivers.

    4. Note This:

    • Submissions must meet the quality standards of HappyDowns in order to get published.
    • HappyDowns reserves the right to edit, adapt, update and republish contributions at its discretion.
    • HappyDowns reserves the right to include calls-to-action to HappyDowns content, including but not limited to email newsletters, ebooks, and other downloadable content.
    • HappyDowns reserves the right to reject contributions at its discretion.
    • At the discretion of HappyDowns, contributed posts (caregiver confessions) may be removed from the blog.

    We are truly humbled to have you share your story with us.

    Take that step and submit your caregiver confession…you will be helping hundreds of other caregivers like yourself.

    If you still have questions, please email us at caregiverconfessions@happydowns.com.