Living as a Sibling Caregiver comes with its unique set of challenges and responsibilities. The emotional and physical toll of caring for your sibling can be overwhelming, often leaving us caregivers struggling to prioritize our …
self care
Counseling for Caregivers – Do You Need Professional Help?
Who has time to “get help”? Not me. I have to be working at a job I hate, working overtime and on weekends, just to attempt to cover the bills each month. I have to …
What is Caregiver Resentment?
It’s the thing no family caregiver wants to admit that they are feeling. Why? Guilt. We think we are “bad” for feeling resentment towards our child, parent or another family member. We do not want …
Advice to Siblings for Down Syndrome Awareness Month
October is Down Syndrome (DS) Awareness Month…a time when families with loved ones who have DS shout it from the mountain tops and let everyone know that persons with Down Syndrome are to be treated …
My New Year’s Resolution: Self-Forgiveness
It’s a new year. Actually it’s a new decade. It is said that nothing changes if nothing changes, so do I really want to bring my old habits with me as I explore a new …
I Need Professional Help
So today I went to my first counselling session…to deal with the issues that I am having because I am a caregiver. All along I have been trying to hold everything inside and “deal with …
Looking Back: 3 Things I Would Have Done Differently
It’s the end of another year and of course this is a time that many of us reflect and think on the things that we did or did not do and determine our next step …
Caregivers – You ARE Doing a Good Job!
So, the other day, I took my sister to the podiatrist and someone in the office said something to me that really struck me. They said “You are doing a good job”. At first, I …